From Jake, my oldest son, I received this beautiful hand painted butterfly and this jewelry box that closely resembles the Holy Grail! Totally fabulous!
From Daniel, my youngest son, I received this touching teapot poem and some tea. He also gave me a gorgeously wrapped (he was so proud) mug that included his very own finger-painted artwork. Love this!
From Cristina, my oldest daughter, I received a "blinged" out card with a sweet little hand-written note inside. I also got a beautiful poem with her cute little handprint at the bottom. Such a treasure!
From Gabriela, my youngest daughter, I received this lovely plate with her name and handprint painted on it. Her little handprint is so small and adorable!
My adorable husband put the WiiFit on hold for me (we have since received it) and bought some movies for me that I had been wanting:
Although, I am so touched by these amazing gifts filled with love, the best gift I received was spending the day with my fantastic four and my amazing hubby!
I don't know girl..I sort of see a trend in those movies..except for Juno! LOL
It's fun that you got spoiled for a chance :)
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