Now, don't get me wrong...this is public education and public monies. transportation meals; however, our registration was paid and that was the bomb-diggity.
The team of teachers (with whom I am totally tech-nerdy) and I had a total blast and learned/picked up so many ideas that we can't wait to implement in our classes. I am not sure if I mentioned it previously or not, but I was chosen to pilot a 1:1 iPad program next year, along with another teacher from my site. Depending on our success and the processes that we set forth, other teachers may have similar opportunities if a grant that the District has applied for is approved. It has been a pretty busy summer preparing for that, but this conference definitely made me that much more excited about the opportunity that we have been granted. One of the best sessions that I attended was holding Literature Circles using the iPads. I. can't. wait.
I currently use Edmodo in my class, but I learned and watched as it was used to a greater depth and its potential has me intrigued. Also, I met the founder of Haiku Learning Management Systems. I use Haiku LMS for the Online Summer Camp that I am piloting for the students at my school, and he was impressed by the way that I have used the LMS for kids as young as first grade (It is all in the video-directions for students that young.) He, subsequently, invited me to a private party at the town home that they rented in the Gas Lamp. Awesome! (I didn't end up going because I missed my family. It didn't help that the sweeties texted me 2 minutes after the invitation with "I miss you." Notice their username: cornchildren because I lovingly call them "Children of the Corn." We're weird. So what?)
Although the sessions were awesome, I think that I got the most from the conference in the Expo area. I was able to meet many of the people that I know "electronically" and network with many others. I do have to say that I feel really bad for some of the people there marketing their products. It can't be easy. *shudder*
Here are some of the pictures that I took that have no particular relevance or high-interest factor, but they are pictures that I took, nonetheless...
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Playing around with the Microsoft Office 365 PhotoBooth. I want over-sized Elvis glasses to accessorize my everyday apparel. |
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My next yacht will have a helicopter. Positively! |
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Where should I apply? |
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Poor woman, but I do love the boots....not the orange color though. |
There is much more to tell and even more to do to plan for a technologically radical year, but I have reached my saturation point as I suspect you have, as well.
Thank you again to all of my nerdy-peeps from OUSD and beyond and thank you to all of the fabulous presenters and exhibitors. #edtech #sigol #sigds #iste12 #edmodo #haikulearning #sigml #sigct #siggs #sigil #sigte <3 <3 <3
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