Thursday, June 28, 2012

ISTE 2012

What a great conference!!!  If you don't recognize the acronym ISTE, it is the International Society for Technology in Education.   A cohort of teachers from my school (and a few from another school in the District) asked to attend this conference and because there were a few Professional Development $$ left in the site budget, we were told, "Yes!"

Now, don't get me wrong...this is public education and public monies. transportation meals; however, our registration was paid and that was the bomb-diggity.  

The team of teachers (with whom I am totally tech-nerdy) and I had a total blast and learned/picked up so many ideas that we can't wait to implement in our classes.  I am not sure if I mentioned it previously or not, but I was chosen to pilot a 1:1 iPad program next year, along with another teacher from my site.  Depending on our success and the processes that we set forth, other teachers may have similar opportunities if a grant that the District has applied for is approved.  It has been a pretty busy summer preparing for that, but this conference definitely made me that much more excited about the opportunity that we have been granted.  One of the best sessions that I attended was holding Literature Circles using the iPads.  I. can't. wait.

I currently use Edmodo in my class, but I learned and watched as it was used to a greater depth and its potential has me intrigued.  Also, I met the founder of Haiku Learning Management Systems.  I use Haiku LMS for the Online Summer Camp that I am piloting for the students at my school, and he was impressed by the way that I have used the LMS for kids as young as first grade (It is all in the video-directions for students that young.)   He, subsequently, invited me to a private party at the town home that they rented in the Gas Lamp.  Awesome!  (I didn't end up going because I missed my family.  It didn't help that the sweeties texted me 2 minutes after the invitation with "I miss you."  Notice their username:  cornchildren because I lovingly call them "Children of the Corn."  We're weird.  So what?)  

Although the sessions were awesome, I think that I got the most from the conference in the Expo area.  I was able to meet many of the people that I know "electronically" and network with many others.  I do have to say that I feel really bad for some of the people there marketing their products.  It can't be easy. *shudder*  
Here are some of the pictures that I took that have no particular relevance or high-interest factor, but they are pictures that I took, nonetheless...
Playing around with the Microsoft Office 365 PhotoBooth.  I want over-sized Elvis glasses to accessorize my everyday apparel.

My next yacht will have a helicopter.  Positively!

Where should I apply?

Poor woman, but I do love the boots....not the orange color though.

We were walking in a restricted area (because that is what we do) and we found this
costume discarded on the floor.  Soooooo, we get the bright idea to take photos in it.
We're weird.  So what?  Oh wait...I've said that already.  By the way, this isn't is my dear friend Janis our SBRT.  :)
There is much more to tell and even more to do to plan for a technologically radical year, but I have reached my saturation point as I suspect you have, as well.  

Thank you again to all of my nerdy-peeps from OUSD and beyond and thank you to all of the fabulous presenters and exhibitors.  #edtech #sigol #sigds #iste12 #edmodo #haikulearning #sigml  #sigct #siggs #sigil #sigte <3 <3 <3

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