Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mississippi Queen

Yeah, that's correct.  I am like royalty!

My family definitely needed some Mississippi/Tennessee time this summer.  We just returned home and it was a fantastic visit.  The theme for this visit?   My husband and kids are simply too good to be true and I am freakin' unbelievably lucky to have been blessed with this family.   Theme #2?  I love my life.

Here are some pictures, in no particular order:

Did I mention that we drove?  Here the kids are in Arizona.
We stayed with my Daddy.  Love the area around his house.
His house is in Hernando.  I love Hernando's Courthouse Square.
We often had ducks as sentries.
You can never have enough kudzu.
When visiting with my daddy, there is always some of this...
And some of this...
And a lot of this.  (This is a hole in the wall place near my dad's house.) 
Did I forget this?  Dale's is the yummiest (other than home-cooked.)
These greens and purple-hull peas were a little piece of heaven.
But my favorite things are the views...

We even went by my elementary school:  Southaven Elementary School.
I did go to Hope Sullivan for a year and a half, but this was the school that I remembered most.  
Old church/schoolhouse out on Malone Rd.

Look at these adorable "churn."

Visiting my mom's gravesite.

We had to visit Graceland, of course.
So many choices for an Elvis fan.  #TCB

1 comment:

Rene Ortega said...

We drove there in 1.5 days!